Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bio of James McGregor Burns

James McGregor Burns

is a presidential biographer, authority on Leadership Study, Woodrow Wilson Professor (emeritus) of Government at Williams College, where he also received his B.A. He was also a scholar at the James McGregor Burns Academy of Leadership at the University of Maryland College Park.He received a Pulizter Prizeand National Book Award in 1971 for his Roosevelt:Soldier of Freedom1940-1945

His key innovation in leadership theory was shifting away from studying the traits of great men and transactional management to focus on the interaction of leaders and led as collaborators working toward mutual benefit. He is best known for contributions to the Transformational, Aspirational and Visionary schools of leadership theory. Burns has advocated repeal of the 22nd amendment to allow effective presidents to have a third or fourth term of office.

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