Friday, March 4, 2011

The Result of LPI Instrument

I have taken LPI(Leadership Practices Inventory) instrument,only one of my friend took took PLA.Even only one person take the instrument,but she is my closed friend,I think the result can imply some important information.
Questions Practice Self Observer

This sheet is the Leadership Behaviors Ranking,from most frequent to least frequent of all 20 leadership behaviors based on my friend's score.
From this sheet,I find that some questions we get the same score or similar score,whereas some questions we get completely different scores.The red scores means my friend and I have similar perspective in these questions,as the yellow scores means my friend and I have different scores.

I think if we have the similar or same scores express I have a clear understanding in these part.For example,question 7,22,2,both my friend and I have low scores,these three questions all belong to Inspire a Shared Vision part.I actually find that I rarely praise others.It's one of my weaknesses.I know praise sometimes can be a powerful thing in teamwork,as well as in daily life.I need to change this bad habit.
In this sheet,I find there are four questions' scores are completely different(question #25,24,16,6).#16:Asks for feedback on how his/her actions affect people's performance.My friend think I seldom ask for feedback,on the other way aroud,I think I usually ask for feedback.Overall, my friends think I am a more stubborn people. I used to be a person like that, however, since I aware of this issue I continue to change. This score indicate I need to constantly refine myself.

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