Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Learn more from other's blogs.

I read a lot of others' blogs,each person has different perspectives about leadership.After read these blogs, their ideas help me have a deep understanding about leadership.

Emily's opinion is similar to mine.There are a lot of people out in the world that have great ideas but there are only a very few who can make their ideas happen. She most admire the leaders who can come up with unique, different or even unusual ideas and then make them work. Even if that means the way they lead and do things are different than others. The most important point is that the leaders can make their unbelievable dream come true.
Emily's blog website:

I read Tom's blog,he think leadership is a quality that someone can develop over time, and anyone can be a leader.Before,I think that leadership is born with, the leader is born,cannot be acquired through training to get leadership.But,I think leadership can foster and to be a leader depends on situation.
Tom's blog website:

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